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Different Stages of appointment setting and how to prepare for it?


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Stages of Appointment Setting: If you want to successfully conduct your opening negotiations, you need to seriously prepare and take into account possible nuances. Do not rely on your resourcefulness, which will help you out on the spot. Be ready, whatever the course of the conversation. This will require a meeting plan with the client, which will provide for several scenarios of what is happening. Break the preparation into two parts – gathering information and organizing moments.

Determine the purpose of the meeting with the client appointment setting

Do not flatter yourself that an agreement will be reached the first time. This doesn’t happen. With a favorable outcome, getting to know a partner will allow you to start a successful interaction, meet again, and cooperate for the benefit of both parties. What are the goals of the manager at 

The first meeting with a future client after the appointment setting:

a): See the prospects and his desire for a business partnership.

b):- Find out the main needs of the buyer.

c):- Find out what kind of company’s products will be useful to him and cover his needs.

d):- Offer trial samples, catalogs and tests.

e):- Get feedback (response) from the interlocutor.

At this step, the manager does not sell the product, he presents himself (makes a good impression, arouses interest in the company, and establishes trusting relationships). In order for everything to be successful, you need to first consider all possible conversation scenarios and be fully equipped to cope with the situation that has arisen. Do not rely on chance and personal resourcefulness.

Collecting information about the client

Before you script a meeting with a client (or plan), you need to learn as much as possible about the buyer. How to do it: 

a):- Find information about the occupation of a potential partner. Read specialized journalism to remember characteristic definitions that will be useful to you in a conversation.

b):- View the website of the client’s company, and familiarize yourself with its structure, and

the most important information. Read, who runs the organization and draws the necessary conclusions.

c):- Study competitors’ products to offer the best deal to a potential client.

But the main thing is to know the product of your company perfectly. The manager must be aware of all the nuances of what he advises the client on. If the sales representative is not able to properly present the product, it is unlikely that anyone will contact him in the future.

Organization of a meeting with a client

This stage should be devoted to organizing negotiations, which should first be scheduled. Contact the buyer to confirm the time and place of the expected conversation. Having agreed on a meeting, specify its date, taking into account the opinion of the client.

Where you can negotiate – a few examples:

CASE I:- At the client’s office or other location of their choice. Of course, you can prepare for such a conversation, but often you need to react according to the situation. 14/24 On your premises (in your own office, meeting room, etc.). Do not take a visitor in crowded places where both of you will be distracted. And never start a conversation on the go or in the aisles.

In the neutral zone. To do this, you can rent a conference room or go to a quiet cafe. You should not invite a client to a restaurant; it will not be very convenient there. Both of you will have to take breaks for meals. Remember: meeting with a client and eating are incompatible. It is better if the room chosen for negotiations is quiet and not crowded.

According to a Russian proverb, everyone is greeted by their clothes, and the seller’s appearance is very important for a future partner. In preparation for negotiations, you need to do the following:

  1. Remove a business suit from the wardrobe. It can be worn with a shirt or turtleneck. And don’t forget the tie. For women, the standard option is suitable – a blouse with a skirt or trousers with a jacket. In any case, clothing should be comfortable.
  2. You should not choose an ultra-modern, creative or bold toilet.
  3. Carefully style your hair, do a manicure. Make-up for women should be neutral and not distract the client.
  4. Clean your shoes and put them in order.
  5. Avoid cheap jewelry and accessories, fakes of famous brands. Usually wealthy

People are well aware of how Chinese watches and other accessories differ from real ones. If you do not have money for original wardrobe items, do not wear fakes at all.

Now think about promotional materials and devices that will be needed for negotiations. What else should be in your case or bag:

  1. Diary (organizer) and Pen, where you will write all the important notes.
  2. Personal business cards, which should be concise and concise.
  3. Sheets of paper (useful if you meet in a coffee shop, and the interlocutor did not take a notebook with him).
  4. Forms of contracts, orders and questionnaires (required to conclude a deal if you correctly presented your product).
  5. Promotional brochures and catalogs to visually show the client what you are talking about and offering to purchase.

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