B2B NewsPet industry newsHow to Use Content Syndication to Produce High-Intent MQLs

How to Use Content Syndication to Produce High-Intent MQLs


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If you’re craving to get more eyes on your best-performing content and looking to generate high-quality leads as a result, content syndication is for you.

Its premise is simple: take your top-notch content, re-publish it via third-party channels, and watch your pipeline grow.

But volume alone isn’t enough to pad a healthy pipeline; your content should also work to engage the right kind of in-market buyers for your B2B business. Therefore, it’s essential your content syndication campaigns maintain a healthy balance of both visibility and relevance in order to pinpoint marketing qualified leads with a penchant to purchase.

How Can Content Syndication Produce High-Intent MQLs?

Organic content distribution can feel like shouting through a megaphone, only that megaphone is behind a curtain, and you have no idea how many people are listening on the other side. That said, using this strategy to generate leads is risky at best.

Enter: content syndication. Content syndication is a key marketing strategy B2B teams often leverage to increase its reach to the most relevant, ready-to-buy audiences across the web. It’s done by republishing top-performing assets to third-party platforms, all in an effort to convert these prospects into highly-qualified leads.

Content Syndication MQL
Content syndication stops content marketing from feeling like shouting into a crowd and hoping someone hears.

So, instead of hoping by chance target audiences not only find your content, but engage with it as well, it’s best to use the more strategic option—i.e., content syndication—to gain the attention of ideal customers. When this happens, it opens the door to valuable lead generation opportunities for B2B marketing teams.

Whether you map out your own content syndication strategy or liaise with a content syndication partner, the goal remains the same: encourage engagement among target audiences in order to find the right leads who match your ideal customer profile (ICP).

Now, you might be wondering, “How can I ensure my content syndication program generates top-quality leads for my business?” Well, here are four tips to get you and your team started.

Four Tips to Generate Marketing Qualified Leads with Content Syndication

We recommend following these four pointers to generate five-star leads from your content syndication campaigns.

1. Refine Your Audience Targeting with Intent Data

Intent data is a form of sales intelligence. It refers to behavioral signals indicating a prospect’s intention to make a B2B purchase in the near future. These signals help you determine just how interested a customer is in your products or services.

Examples of intent signals include:

  • Ad clicks
  • Keyword searches
  • Website visits
  • Email opens
  • Free trial registrations
  • White paper downloads
  • Social media interactions

The more you track intent signals like these, the better you’ll be at determining precise levels of purchase intent among target prospects. Not only that, but you’ll also be able to spot content topics that resonate most with attentive audiences. Combining these two insights together allows you to put the right content in front of the right eyes at the right time, making it an important aspect to a successful content syndication campaign.

To do this, seek out intent-driven content syndication platforms that target contacts most likely to convert. Be sure to combine this with your own first-party data acquired from marketing tools, CRM platforms, and analytics software. The more intent data available to you, the more accurate your targeting will be.

2. Combine Content Syndication with ABM

Content syndication and account-based marketing make a formidable power couple. Plus, your target accounts serve as the perfect audience for your content syndication efforts. After all, you’ve already identified them as your top-priority accounts.

Delivering syndicated content to your ABM target accounts accelerates the nurturing aspect of ABM. The result? Faster and efficient generation of high-value, high-intent B2B customers. 

High-intent content syndication
Content syndication and account-based marketing are a perfect partnership to get more MQLs.

3. Fit Content to the Buyer’s Journey

To propel prospects further down the marketing funnel, syndicated content must align with your ideal customer’s interests, content preferences, and information needs.

Different types of content complement different stages of the customer journey. For example, leads who are in the consideration stage may seek case studies, customer success stories, industry reports, and branded video content to help them finalize their purchase decision. On the other hand, leads who find themselves in the decision stage might connect better with things like product demos, free consultation offers, and coupon codes, as it gives them a chance to “try before they buy,” per se.

Intent data can help inform this process, as these behavioral signals allow marketers to identify the best content syndication pieces, channels, and strategies to yield high-value MQLs and conversions down the line.

4. Syndicate Content that Upstages Competitors

When deciding on which buyers to target with your content syndication campaigns, don’t discount those currently serviced by competitors. Instead, try to displace them.

Identify prospects actively seeking to replace products or services from a competing brand or company. You can do this by monitoring customer reviews on sites like TrustRadius or G2. Use customers’ negative experiences to your advantage, creating syndicated content that addresses their specific pain points and highlights how you can solve them.

Some of the best content syndication pieces for competitor displacement include:

  • Favorable comparison posts
  • Positive reviews that address competitors’ weaknesses
  • Case studies highlighting the benefits of your product or service over competitors
  • User-generated content that shows how your product addresses common complaints

Each of these pieces helps to convince dissatisfied prospects that your company is a better fit for their needs.


Content syndication is an effective way to boost your content’s ROI by placing your most valuable assets in front of your ideal prospects. This takes the guesswork out of content distribution and increases your changes of not only generating more leads, but generating better leads as well.


Want to see what content syndication looks like in action? Check out this case study and learn how one of our customers was able to double their lead volume and improve conversion rates with a DemandScience content syndication campaign.

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