B2B NewsPet industry newsThe 5 best HubSpot integrations for B2B marketers

The 5 best HubSpot integrations for B2B marketers


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HubSpot integrations provide a crucial bridge between the HubSpot CRM suite and third-party applications. The right integration can add powerful new features to enhance your experience with the platform.

There are thousands of off-the-shelf HubSpot integrations to choose from. In all honesty, most are rather basic. But there are a few gems that are well worth exploring. 

Here are 5 robust and reliable HubSpot integrations that add real value to your B2B inbound marketing efforts.

The 5 best HubSpot Integrations are:


  1. PandaDoc
  2. Xero
  3. Aircall
  4. Salesforce
  5. Shopify

Complete your CRM with these 5 HubSpot integrations

1. PandaDoc

Of all the document management and eSignature solutions available on the HubSpot app marketplace, PandaDoc is the most flexible and user-friendly.

The integration automatically pulls CRM data from your HubSpot contacts, deals, and company records to populate new documents. It also generates secure, legally-binding eSignatures, which makes it perfect for sharing contracts, terms and conditions, and non-disclosure agreements.

What really sets PandaDocs apart is its use of HubSpot CRM cards. This lets you edit, review, and track the status of your documents with ease, giving you a complete view of the entire process.

2. Xero

Xero is an online accounting solution trusted by SMEs and enterprises worldwide.

Xero’s HubSpot integration is simple, reliable, and does everything you need to manage your finances efficiently. The software features two-way data syncing that automatically shares contact property data between HubSpot and Xero. This lets you quickly segment your customers, create lists, and more.

The Xero integration doesn’t allow you to create custom CRM cards or objects. But it does make important Xero data visible and accessible in HubSpot, which is vital for marketers.

New to HubSpot, or need extra support? Find out how we can help businesses like  yours master the HubSpot CRM Suite with customised B2B HubSpot onboarding and  setup.

3. Aircall

HubSpot integrates with many cloud telephony solutions that are a cut above the platform’s own built-in calling system. But in our experience, Aircall is by far the best.

The most installed telephony partner in the HubSpot marketplace, this integration seamlessly connects Aircall’s phone system with the HubSpot platform. It offers a range of powerful features that allow you to instantly log all inbound and outbound calls, as well as:

  • Missed calls
  • Voicemails
  • SMS

Aircall also lets you create Insights Cards to store customer information and use call and SMS activity to trigger workflows.

4. Salesforce

HubSpot’s Salesforce integration is one of the most impressive. Despite the complexity of the two platforms, it remains one of the most robust sync offerings on the HubSpot marketplace.

Unlike many sync products which focus on one object, Salesforce lets you sync multiple. This includes contacts, companies, and deals, as well as custom objects for Enterprise HubSpot users. The platform also boasts a level of built-in process automation that extends beyond syncing fields, which lets you:

  • Segment your databases
  • Share lead data with your sales team
  • Prioritise leads
  • Create personalised emails

There are nuances to the HubSpot Salesforce Connector to bear in mind before you start. But if you understand the platform’s capabilities and limitations, and configure it correctly, it can certainly enrich your CRM.

5. Shopify

HubSpot’s Shopify integration connects your Shopify store to the HubSpot CRM.

It gives you access to a wide range of reports on everything from average and lifetime order value to abandoned cart recovery. This lets you analyse crucial Shopify and HubSpot data from the same platform. The integration also uses automation to sync product, order, and contact data instantly.

If HubSpot’s Shopify integration has one limitation, it’s that it doesn’t support product variants. Fortunately, there’s a convenient workaround: Shopify Sync by Unific. This integration possesses most of the key features of HubSpot’s, but with product variants thrown in for good measure.

Honourable mentions

Alongside the five HubSpot integrations we’ve highlighted here, there are one or two others that deserve some recognition. These include:

  • Surveymonkey: create intuitive inbound surveys, view responses, segment contacts, and more.
  • Eventbrite: automatically sync event data, create contacts, and track leads directly in HubSpot.
  • Zoom Webinar: promote your webinars with HubSpot workflows and track attendance to learn and improve.

How to get started with HubSpot integrations

Now that you know which HubSpot integrations to invest in, you can start enhancing your CRM.

Some are so straightforward that they require little technical knowledge. The step-by-step instructions on the HubSpot app store will tell you everything you need to know. Others, however, may require specialist configuration and onboarding support to ensure a smooth integration and help you get the most out of your software.

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