B2B NewsPet industry news73% of marketers now using generative AI tools

73% of marketers now using generative AI tools


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Generative AI has taken marketing by storm: 73% of B2B and B2C marketing executives say their companies are using it to help create text, images, videos or other content, according to a new survey. 

Not holding out for long. Thirty-one percent of those not using it expect to do so within a year and 46% within two years, according to the report from Botco.AI.

Why we care. Artificial intelligence is not new to marketing technology. It’s been part of it for at least a decade. However, since OpenAI’s release of ChatGPT last December, generative AI/chatbots are everywhere in martech. So many AI-powered products, features and platforms are being released now that we started a weekly roundup.

State Of GenAI Chatbots In Marketing Stat 8 467x600

Ford’s Model T transformed transportation by making cars affordable to an enormous part of the population. AI has reached its Model T moment and reached it in less than six months.

What it’s being used for. Two-thirds of those surveyed say they use it for brainstorming sessions, first drafts and outlines. Nearly half (49%) say they rely on AI to produce final content. More specifically:

  • Image creation 69%
  • Text creation 58%
  • Audio/voice 50%
  • Chatbots 37%
  • Coding 36%

B2B leads the way in using AI, with 78% having adopted it, compared to 65% of B2C companies.

Dig deeper: 3 ways B2B marketers can use generative AI

Why it’s not being used. Exactly half of those not using generative AI yet say its because of the team training required to use it effectively. Meanwhile, 45% cited the cost and 45% cited privacy and security concerns as obstacles.

What are they using. The most commonly used tools are:

  • ChatGPT 55%
  • Copy.ai 42%
  • Jasper.AI 36%
  • Peppertype.ai 29%
  • Lensa 28%
  • DALL-E 25%
  • Midjourney 24%

Methodology. Botco.AI surveyed 1,000 B2B and B2C marketing professionals in March. Three-quarters of them were from companies with 100 or more employees.

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