B2B NewsPet industry news4 Ways to Approach Fintech Lead Generation

4 Ways to Approach Fintech Lead Generation


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Often tasked with generating leads that hit both a quality and quantity requirement, B2B marketers often use multiple strategies and channels to hit their targets. The financial technology space offers its own set of challenges when it comes to lead generation, however, and strategies that might work in other verticals have to be modified to work in the fintech space.

1. Content Syndication

One of the most successful channels of lead generation marketing is content syndication. It creates a program in which your buyers are both educated about your solutions and engaged with your brand. This type of thought leadership equity is extremely important in the financial space as it offers new perspectives on sometimes rote, routine aspects of business.

The financial services industry is nothing if not complex, with services that range from banking to investing. And when you factor in the constantly evolving technology serving the space, it can be a confusing field.  As a marketer you have a chance to stand out among a sea of commoditized, basic financial literacy articles and provide your buyers with actionable, authoritative content that has a better chance of converting a prospect into a customer. In doing so, you’re not only generating revenue opportunities, but increasing your trust equity within your customer base at the same time.

•	FinTech vendors must focus on buyers and their buying process in order to engage and convert high value leads and prospects.
FinTech vendors must focus on buyers and their buying process in order to engage and convert high value leads and prospects.

2. Strategic Nurture

One common challenge most marketers have is the sheer amount of untouched contact data that sits in their system. This problem doesn’t always have an easy solution as it often requires more resources than are available. However, B2B marketing teams can streamline their database marketing with a strategic nurture campaign.

It’s safe to assume your team has an active email nurture enacted through your marketing automation software. There’s a difference between a strategic marketing nurture and email marketing, though. Instead of focusing on the largest number of prospects available, your goal with a strategic nurture campaign is to narrow down your persona into a finite customer profile that fits a very specific need. The end result in a campaign like this is two-fold. On one end, you’ll experience higher engagement rates because of natural interest. But you’ll also see higher “not interested” responses as well. Fintech buyers are often inundated with companies reaching out to them, so the faster you can get to the “yes” or the “no,” the better off your marketing database will be.

3. Webinars

All software buyers like to feel involved in their respective industries, and webinars offer an ideal way to engage with them. The fintech space is filled with active learners and people who want to find innovative solutions to their needs. Hosting a webinar that addresses a specific pain point is a great way to generate leads that are fully engaged with your brand.

This lead generation channel isn’t without its challenges. You need to make sure the topic is well-researched and presented in a way that keeps the attention of your attendees. In fact, according to LiveWebinar, 32% of webinar attendees are only engaged when the host is passionate about the topic. 92% of webinar attendees say the end of your event must include a live Q&A session. That means your audience is looking for compelling content and actionable take-aways. On the plus side, 55% of webinar registrants convert into a marketing qualified lead, so it’s a tactic that’s worth taking time to figure out.

Unless your fintech solution is already well-known and connected to a known financial services company, you will need to steadily work on building trust with your customers.
• Unless your fintech solution is already well-known and connected to a known financial services company, you will need to steadily work on building trust with your customers.

4. Partnered Content

Another great way to build equity with your fintech buyers is to offer partnered content. With this approach, your marketing team will partner with another company in your space to create a white paper, eBook, infographic, or other piece of content that offers different perspectives about a single topic. As we already mentioned, fintech buyers in general are interested in innovation and continued learning. A content partnership provides a valuable interaction between you and your buyers, resulting in higher-quality leads.

Whether it’s going to be syndicated or just hosted on a blog, a content partnership gets you access to a larger network of readers and potential customers. As you look to adopt this into your marketing strategy, keep in mind that initial research is an extremely important step in the planning cycle. Obviously, you don’t want to partner with a brand that doesn’t align with your company’s values, but you want them to have an equal or larger customer reach than you do. Remember, the goal is to create great content while generating the best leads possible.

Fintech is Changing

Lead generation is hard. It always will be, regardless of what technology or strategy you’re using. Its difficulty comes from the fact that you’re trying to sell a potential customer something with extremely limited communication. That challenge is the same regardless of the industry you work in. That’s why it’s so important to use multiple strategies and channels in your lead generation efforts.

If you’re interested in learning more about how DemandScience approaches lead generation, take a look at DemandScience Activate. We offer a fully scalable demand generation solution focusing on combining intent data with lead generation to provide the highest quality of data.

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