B2B NewsPet industry newsWhy Dogs Prefer The Taste of Freshpet Recipes

Why Dogs Prefer The Taste of Freshpet Recipes


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If you’re considering making the switch to refrigerated food for
dogs, you may be wondering exactly why dogs like the taste of Freshpet so much
more than kibble. Read on to learn more about four of the biggest reasons why
the taste of fresh recipes will always be superior.

Reason #1 why dogs like the taste of Freshpet: Recognizable flavors

One of the biggest reasons why picky eaters turn their noses up
at kibble is the flavor. After being cooked to a crisp, artificial colors and
flavors are added to kibble in an attempt to bring back the look and tastes
that were lost. Doesn’t sound very appetizing, does it?

Flavor is also one of the biggest reasons why picky eaters can’t
get enough of Freshpet. Our refrigerated food for dogs is cooked in a way that
keeps the ingredients close to their natural state. By doing this, the flavors
remain recognizable to our pets, piquing their appetite. Not only does this
make our food more appetizing, but it also means that they are more nutritious!

See what our Freshpet parents have to say:

Winston is a Shih-Tzu and deeply believes he should only eat “people food”. Coaxing him to eat was a real problem and he was a little underweight. His groomer at PetSmart recommended Freshpet and it’s been like a little miracle. He loves it, and this guy hates ALL dog food. It’s just real food! One month later and he is eating well, has no staining around his eyes and mouth from allergies, and his coat is even looking thicker. Thank you so much!!

Reason #2 why dogs like
the taste of Freshpet: High-quality, fresh ingredients

Think of the food you prefer to eat – isn’t a fresh, homecooked
meal much more satisfying than something you pull out of the freezer and pop in
the microwave? Our dogs feel the same. One of the biggest reasons why dogs like
the taste of Freshpet is the fact that each recipe is made with fresh, healthy

In each recipe, you will find a high-quality protein, such as
100% US-farm-raised and antibiotic-free chicken or sustainably and responsibly
sourced salmon, as well as vitamin- and mineral-packed fruits and veggies. If
you’re ever curious about what’s in a specific recipe, just take a look at the
ingredient list. Since we use the same ingredients you would use in your own
meals, you can easily read the list of ingredients – no hard-to-pronounce
chemical names here!

See what our Freshpet parents have to say:

Have a 10-month-old pup. Spent 4 months trying everything for him to eat. He hated it all. Dry kibble, moist kibble, canned food. Many brands. We were ready to try making our own and saw Freshpet in our grocery store. Bought the small roll to try and am so very happy we did. He doesn’t like it cut into chunks, but we kind of mash it up and he inhales it. We probably spent hundreds of dollars in one month on food he refused to eat. Never again. We are forever Freshpet customers.

Reason #3 why dogs like
the taste of Freshpet: Improved health

Not only do dogs love the taste of Freshpet recipes, but they
also love the way it makes them feel. Making the switch to refrigerated food
for dogs offers your pup a wide range of health benefits, such as:

  • Healthier skin and coat
  • Better digestion
  • Improved weight management
  • Allergy relief
  • High energy levels well into their golden years

It isn’t just the ingredients in our recipes that impact your
dog’s overall health – the way each recipe is cooked plays a role as well. Each
recipe is gently steamed in a process that is similar to home cooking, which
enables the ingredients to maintain high bioavailability of essential
nutrients. When essential nutrients have high bioavailability, they’re much
easier for our pups to absorb them.

This is also one of the biggest differences between Freshpet and
kibble. Due to the high heat in which kibble is cooked, essentially all
vitamins and minerals originally found in the ingredients are lost.

See what our Freshpet parents have to say:

My old dog, Dodger is 16 in human years. He has a lot of aches and pains and is slowly down over these last 2 years. We recently switched him from his dry dog food to Fresh Pet and he is feeling the difference! He is suddenly jumping up on the couch again and has so much more energy! He puts his paw in his metal food bowl and “dings” it like a dinner bell when he wants more. Thank you for making this superior product.

Reason #4 why dogs like
the taste of Freshpet: More variety

Just like we have our own preferences when it comes to the food
we eat, so do our dogs. While many dogs will settle for eating the same meal
day in and day out, this doesn’t mean that they don’t enjoy a little variety.
Originally, Freshpet was only available in rolls but over the years we’ve
expanded our line of recipes to include new formats such as bagged meals and
patties. Today, we’re proud to offer several lines of products directly from
our Freshpet kitchens:

With so many options to choose from, we guarantee that even the
pickiest eaters will find a recipe they love.

See what our Freshpet parents have to say:

My geriatric miniature dachshund and chihuahua-pomeranian were having such digestion problems. I found your Sensitive solution and Freshpet Small Dog Chicken and Turkey roll. They are now both digestive issue-free! They LOVE this food. They are dancing and spinning and marching at me while I make their bowls. There is absolutely no hesitation, it’s a delight all the way. They seem happier and I’m looking forward to seeing how this benefits their overall health and coat. Thank you so very much for these products. I am ever so grateful.

While these are four of the biggest reasons, it is certainly not an exhaustive list. For more reasons why dogs prefer the taste of Freshpet recipes, just take a look at these reviews from Freshpet parents!

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