B2B NewsPet industry newsLooking After Your Dog’s Joint Health

Looking After Your Dog’s Joint Health


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Active dogs can benefit from this unique, science-based approach.

Nothing is more heart-warming than watching your healthy, mobile canine companion race around the park, or excitedly fetch his leash for an after-dinner walk. Of course, we want our canine companions to experience an active lifestyle for as long as they can, so maintaining their joint health is crucial. Timely care can save your dog from potential joint issues, including post-exercise inflammation.

What is post-exercise inflammation?

Inflammation is the body’s response to a pathological or physical irritant, and results in increased blood flow to the affected area. It presents itself as localized pain, swelling, and redness. There are two classes of inflammation: acute and chronic. Acute inflammation doesn’t last long, whereas chronic inflammation remains an issue for extended periods. Dogs and other animals can experience post-exercise inflammation after an intense workout, such as sprinting. If they are exposed to this kind of inflammation over a long period, they need longer times to recover and can develop problems. By addressing exercise-induced inflammation, however, you can help your dog’s joints stay in optimal condition.

How to deal with exercise-induced inflammation

A three-pronged strategy that includes maintaining joint health, promoting early inflammation recovery, and avoiding obesity, will go a long way to countering post-exercise inflammation, so it’s important to consider the following:

  • Choose a diet that addresses joint health and mobility by including natural anti-inflammatory nutrients such as Omega-3 fatty acids, green-lipped mussel and turmeric. The addition of glucosamine and chondroitin will help support cartilage health, joint movement and lubrication of joints, as well as contribute to the health of ligaments and muscles, and promote mobility, flexibility and joint suppleness.
  • N-butyric acid is an innovative joint ingredient. A study conducted by members of Vetdiet’s Health and Nutrition Advisory Board, comprised of veterinarians and nutrition experts, found that a mobility blend featuring N-butyric acid helped to mitigate post exercise inflammation, and maintain healthy mobility.
  • Avoid obesity in your dog by feeding a bespoke diet that is in line with the dog’s breed. This way, a healthy weight will be maintained, and joint mobility will not be hampered.

An award-winning formula

Fortunately, Vetdiet Mobility® for adult dogs is a diet that features all of the above. This targeted food is tailor made for active dogs, naturally active breeds, working and hunting dogs, as well as dogs participating in agility, canicross, sledding and hiking. Backed by research, the ingenious formula won first place at the Global Animal Nutrition Summit at Guelph University in the category Novel Ingredient and Food Formulation. Feed Vetdiet’s Mobility during times your dog is active to help him avoid post-exercise inflammation.

For the maintenance of joint health and additional anti-inflammatory support every day of the year, look to Vetdiet® Dog Biscuits for Hips and Joints, made with high quality salmon, as well as glucosamine hydrochloride, chondroitin sulfate, and green- lipped mussel, which contribute to maintaining joint health.

While a variety of joint mobility exercises and supportive beds or ramps can save a dog from putting extra burden on his joints, this three-pronged approach is the most important — and is centered around dietary adjustments. By incorporating a science-based, real ingredient food into your dog’s lifestyle, he’ll be running and jumping for years to come.

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