B2B NewsPet industry newsSupermom Great Dane Gives Birth To 21 Puppies In...

Supermom Great Dane Gives Birth To 21 Puppies In 27 Hours


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A Great Dane from Pocahontas, Virginia gives birth to 21 puppies during her 27-hour labor that started Wednesday, March 22.

The supermom, a two-year-old Great Dane named Namine, definitely deserves a round of a-paws and a lot of treats for her monumental journey to becoming a supermom.

Namine’s huge litter included 12 females and 9 males. Sadly, three of her puppies died after birth.

But Namine’s owner, Tanya Dubbs, told USA Today that Namine and her remaining 18 puppies remain healthy.

Dubbs expected her Great Dane to have a huge litter of around 13 to 14 puppies, but never thought the supermom would birth a litter of nearly two dozens of puppies.

In an interview with WVVA, Dubbs recounted Namine’s birthing experience saying, “I figured you know probably about 13, 14. So we got up to 16 and then she had another one. I was sitting on the bed and she was on the bed with me and I was talking to a friend of mine and I heard a gush of fluid and I looked over and I said we have another puppy.”

Furthermore, Dubbs says she plans to sell the puppies once they are weaned from their mother in a few weeks. She also added that the money she’ll get from the first pup she sells will go to the Tazewell County Animal Shelter.

Namine almost broke the Guinness World Record for the largest litter of dogs, which currently belongs to a Neopolitan Mastiff named Tia. The Mastiff gave birth to a litter of 24 puppies in 2004 and no-puppy has broken her record yet.

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