B2B NewsPet industry news8 Digital marketing trends to follow in 2022

8 Digital marketing trends to follow in 2022


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Welcome to the funel.io blog. Digital marketing is constantly changing. In this field, new trends and discoveries are expected. Do you have a new marketing strategy in place for 2022? Do you want to know about the digital trends that may impact your marketing strategies?

Businesses, brands, and marketers must plan for and be ready to capitalize on the future of digital marketing.

Here are the top digital marketing trends for 2022, 

So let’s get started,

Metaverse Marketing

The Metaverse is growing, a virtual-reality space where users can interact through virtual and augmented experiences. This platform will open many new doors and provide some novel marketing opportunities. Many people believe that the Metaverse will bring about significant change in 2022. However, to be a successful marketer in the Metaverse, you must think creatively.

Seo in Digital marketing trends

Search engine optimization is becoming more ingrained. Search algorithms are becoming more intelligent and contextual. Brands are increasingly being pressured to adopt Google’s understanding of user intent. SEO marketers must consider how search terms may have changed during the pandemic. If you are a service provider, your company must be found in the top three local maps. It will significantly boost your sales volume.

Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook grew dramatically as business marketing tools in 2021 and will continue to do so in 2022 as new digital marketing trends emerge. Furthermore, LinkedIn is a fantastic platform for organic reach. These platforms are low-cost ways to reach out to your target audiences.

Video Marketing

It is yet another top 2022 digital marketing trend. Video marketing offers an audiovisual approach to everything that stays in the minds of every viewer. According to the survey results, 70% of customers buy products or services after receiving a video approach or watching advertisements. Over five billion videos are watched on YouTube and other video platforms every day. It is one of the most effective tools for attracting customers.

Ai and Machine Learning in Digital marketing trends

Artificial intelligence will drive the future of digital marketing. The rise of AI-powered computers has transformed every industry. This technology has changed the way businesses market their goods and services. This technology is transforming the way we conduct business. It has enabled businesses to reach out to customers in new ways. The only difficulty is ensuring that users can find the appropriate content.

Mobile-Optimized Website

Having a mobile-responsive or optimized website is another digital marketing trend that no marketer should take for granted.

Although it is not a top-ranking factor, Google values mobile-responsive websites. The fact is that Google’s primary concern is to improve internet users’ online experiences.

And, because more people now have access to mobile devices, The number of people who use mobile devices to access the Internet daily has grown and will continue to grow.

It would be best if you do everything possible to make your website mobile-friendly in 2022.

LinkedIn is Growing Fast in Digital marketing trends

In the digital world, LinkedIn is still a rising star. Every quarter they see an increase in users. They are also constantly adding new features that assist businesses and pages in performing better.

Recommendation: Marketers should invest heavily in LinkedIn.

Live Streaming

Living at home during a lockdown means missing out on social gatherings and not seeing friends. Individuals’ use of live streaming has increased as a result of this. When a video is sent live to the Internet rather than recorded, it is referred to as live streaming. This is a type of live digital advertising that advertisers use these days in their digital marketing techniques. This creates a better user experience and a sense of reality, connecting businesses with their customers. Customers’ engagement with a brand can be increased by using live streaming. Live streaming is now one of the top digital marketing trends for 2022.


We attempted to provide you with information about 2022 digital marketing trends in this blog. All of the trends are highly beneficial to marketers and users alike. To perform better, every advertiser must be aware of the latest developments and acquire new ideas. I hope this blog has given you some ideas for planning a digital marketing strategy better.

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