B2B NewsPet industry newsHow ChatGPT Can Help with Content Syndication 

How ChatGPT Can Help with Content Syndication 


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ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI, has hit the world of content marketing like a lightning bolt. Although AI content creation tools aren’t anything new, ChatGPT’s natural language processing creates a human-like conversational tone that feels revolutionary. Although there have been many conflicting arguments about what this means for the future of content creation, today we’re focusing on how ChatGPT helps marketers right now. The tool won’t be in its free research phase forever, so now is the perfect time to test how ChatGPT can help with your content needs. With that in mind, here’s how to use ChatGPT to bolster your content syndication campaigns. 

How ChatGPT can help with content syndication 

Think of ChatGPT as a virtual assistant who’s available 24/7 to help you automate some of the more tedious and repetitive tasks of the content syndication process. Below are some ideas to get you started. 

Content creation 

The strength of the content you create is the foundation of your content syndication success. Therefore, creating content that speaks to your target audience with value-incentive insights is key. ChatGPT can help get you there, but rather than relying on it to create publish-ready content, use it to accelerate your ideation process. Although in some instances ChatGPT can write your content for you, it can’t replicate your brand’s unique tone of voice or add any human insight or nuance. Use it as a launchpad, then add your own expert touch. Here are some ideas: 

  • Suggesting topics for content creation 

Based on current events, trending topics, or specific areas of interest, ChatGPT can generate suggestions for new, engaging, and relevant content for your target audience. You can then generate content customized to your audience’s unique interests and requirements, increasing the chances of attracting their attention and boosting engagement.

Tip: Ask ChatGPT to identify frequently asked questions among your target audience, or pinpoint specific topics related to your business or content goals.

ChatGPT animated example
  • Generating outlines for articles, blog posts, and other forms of content 

Creating outlines for long-form content can sometimes take longer than writing the content itself. ChatGPT can speed up this process, helping you to generate outlines for content such as blogs, whitepapers, and eBooks, making the content creation process much more efficient. 

Tip: After asking ChatGPT to assist with topic creation, take the conversation a step further and ask it to create a content outline based on one of its suggested topics. 

With the right prompts, ChatGPT can write content on a specific topic. You can then focus on editing, refining, and publishing the content. Think of it as a starting point. From there, you can edit the piece to fit your brand’s specific style and tone. However, it’s important to note the current ChatGPT program has a 3,000 word limit, while its newest release, GPT-4, goes up to 25,000. So, if you’re looking to use AI purely for content creation, other tools like JasperAI or Copy.ai might be more up your alley. These tools are designed specifically for AI-powered content creation and copywriting. 

Tip: If you’re happy with the blog outline ChatGPT has suggested, why not go ahead and ask it to write the blog itself? Use this as a rough first draft to build upon. Even if it only generates a few hundred words, it’ll trigger ideas for you to complete the rest. 

  • Generating headlines and titles 
  • ChatGPT is a quickfire way to generate a ton of headlines. And this isn’t just for blog headlines either. Try using it for multiple types of shortform copy, such as email subject lines, social media ad headlines, or organic social post copy. You can then finesse the style and tone afterward, getting it as close to your brand language as possible.  

Content repurposing 

Content syndication is all about repurposing your best content and serving it to new and larger audiences to maximize its ROI. ChatGPT speeds up the production of repurposed content by helping you rework existing pieces into unique formats that may resonate better with different audiences on new platforms.  

Tip: Got a webinar you want to convert into a blog post? Paste the webinar abstract or key takeaways into ChatGPT and ask it to create a blog outline based on the material.  

Content optimization 

ChatGPT can be used to optimize the content you already have and get it primed for syndication. For example, the program can rewrite headlines to help you boost click-through rates and engagement, and it can also alter the tone of your copy to attract different audiences. Additionally, it can suggest keywords and alternative headings or subheadings. This helps make the content more readable and informative for audiences and expands its discoverability in search engine results.  

Tip: Think about what you want your specific piece of content to achieve, then ask ChatGPT to help you get there. For instance, if you think the intro of an email you’ve written needs to be more light-hearted and humorous to resonate with your audience, paste it into ChatGPT and ask it to make those amends. You can also ask it to edit its own work. Let’s say it writes something that reads a little off, simply ask it to rework the copy into your desired tone. 

Content scheduling 

Based on factors such as audience engagement, competition, and historical performance, ChatGPT can recommend the best times to post content, which helps to maximize its reach and overall impact on content scheduling efforts.  

Tip: Don’t just ask, “When is the best time to post on social media?” Instead, be as specific as possible. Include what your company does, who you’re trying to target, and which channels you want to post on. 

What are the limitations of ChatGPT for content syndication? 

ChatGPT is useful for content creation and syndication, but like any tool—especially new ones—it has limitations. OpenAI CEO, Sam Altman, has confirmed several known issues that affect writing and content curation, so it’s something worth noting. ChatGPT is a quickly evolving tool with new releases scheduled every few weeks, and limitations will likely change over time. Still, it’s important to be aware of any potential roadblocks. 

When it comes to content creation and syndication, here’s how ChatGPT can fall short: 

  • ChatGPT’s knowledge is limited to 2021, meaning it could provide inaccurate or limited information on current events, news, or trends. 
  • ChatGPT doesn’t provide or cite its sources for information it provides, which may pose a risk for professional writing. Even worse, it can produce information that appears to be accurate, but in actuality, is factually incorrect. 
  • Since it’s programmed to be neutral, or even slightly positive in bias, ChatGPT won’t be able to match your company’s unique brand voice, style, or point of view.  
  • ChatGPT can’t generate opinions, so you can’t use it to create content that requires any kind of perspective on a product, service, or product comparisons. 
  • ChatGPT’s AI-generated content is trackable, which means it’s vulnerable to search engine penalties. As tools develop to identify AI-generated content through cryptographic watermarking, search engines will be able to pinpoint these culprits and deprioritize their search rankings.  
  • Avoid inputting sensitive, confidential, proprietary, or client data into ChatGPT. A rule of thumb? If you wouldn’t post it on social media, you shouldn’t put it into ChatGPT. 

Use ChatGPT to speed up your content syndication 

Content syndication is an important part of a successful content marketing strategy, but it can be time-consuming and challenging. Thankfully, ChatGPT can help with content syndication by automating some of the more tedious and repetitive tasks involved with the process. 

No one’s seriously suggesting these kinds of AI text-generating tools will totally replace human writers, editors, and content marketers. But there’s no reason ChatGPT can’t hold a significant place in your content creation and content syndication toolkit. 

In the meantime, see how you can maximize your reach with content syndication with our Quickstart Guide to B2B Content Syndication.

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