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7 Tips to Make Your Cat Adapt to Their New Home Quickly – Pet Blog


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Cat in New Home

Cats are wonderful pets who offer unconditional love, companionship, warmth and a whole lot of entertainment. Besides, they will respect your privacy as they too love being alone for sometime. From the largest of villas to the smallest of apartments, cats can make themselves comfortable anywhere.

Having said that, the first few months of a cat in their new house is a bit challenging for both the cat and the owners. This is because these are creatures that learn only by habits. So first-time owners need to plan a few things in order to help their cats adapt to their new house quickly.

So here are those highly effective tips,

  • Give them their Own Space

Cats should have their own space in the first few days at their new home to help them feel comfortable and secure. Once they realise they are safe in their new territory, they will follow your commands. Secondly, you can monitor their health and behaviour efficiently when you let them be alone at their favourite place. Any change in their usual behaviour can be consulted with your vet to rectify underlying health issues at the beginning itself. 

After a few days, make the cats feel at home by taking them to different parts of your house. Do not force them to come out of their carrier, let them get out on their own. They may take 2-3 days to get used to all the smells around the house completely, which also plays a vital role in their toilet training. 

If your cats start hissing or hiding, know they are normal reactions and you shouldn’t shout at them. You have plenty of time to make them feel at home and cure all kinds of behavioural problems, if any.

  • Provide Your Cats with All Basic Supplies

Once your cat gets settled down at their new home, you now need to provide them with all the basic pet supplies. This includes nutritious cat food, food & water bowl, cat toys, litter box, scratching posts etc., which helps in boosting the health, hygiene and overall well-being of the cats. An accessory like a litter box helps in effectively toilet training your cats and also to keep excellent hygiene in your house. Also, as cats get bored quickly, you can give them some engaging cat toys to keep themselves active and entertained especially when you are out of the house. 

  • Let Your Cat Explore Things

Cats are naturally curious animals who like to explore their surroundings. This is also one of the key factors in maintaining excellent physical and mental health in them. Exploring helps them stay active, mentally stimulated, confident and also keep up excellent behaviour as well. Above all, it helps them to reduce stress and anxiety as cats are highly intelligent creatures who get bored easily. 

However, it is recommended that you never leave your cats outside without your supervision, as they can get attacked by stray dogs. In fact, you can inculcate excellent behaviour in them just by keeping them indoors as well.

  • Be Patient in the Whole Process

Almost all cats will take their own time to fully acclimate to their new home. Rescue cats especially will take more time to settle as they may have had traumas in the past. Hence, it is suggested to cat owners to be fully patient for the first few months to let their cats learn things at their own pace. 

Also, unlike dogs, cats are highly sensitive creatures who can easily become stressed and anxious. They can also run away from the house if they feel scared and disturbed. Hence, cat owners should be fully tolerant while teaching them good behaviour.  

  • Socialise them With Other Pets

Socialising your cats with other pets has umpteen number of benefits. Firstly, it reduces their territorial aggression which can sometimes be injurious to the pets. Secondly, it boosts their self-confidence while being around other pets and makes them more self-assured amidst chaos in the house. Third, socialising boosts companionship and also prevents separation anxiety when you are not around with them. Lastly, it helps your cats burn more calories and keep an ideal body weight as they play with their fellow pets. 

  • Reward Obedience with Treats

Arguably the best way to boost your bond with the cat, rewarding your cats works wonders in improving their behaviour. Whenever your cat behaves well, offer them a delicious cat treat as it will motivate them further to do good things. They feel valued and cared for and will be less likely to exhibit unnecessary behaviour. Besides, you can also try stuffing their treats in the cat toy to keep them busy and entertained, especially when you are out of the house for a while.

In Brief,

You have seen 7 highly useful tips that will ensure a smooth transition for your cats in their new home. Remember, patience is key when you are adopting a pet like a cat although the reward will be a thousand times more fruitful than the effort. When you make your cats feel loved at their new house, they will shower you with unconditional love and offer a ton of entertainment to you. 

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