B2B NewsPet industry newsWhat Is An Australian Shepherd Husky Mix? (Breed Facts...

What Is An Australian Shepherd Husky Mix? (Breed Facts 101)


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The Siberian husky is a well-known breed. The Australian shepherd is a bit less well-known, but the Australian shepherd husky mix is about to be your latest Google images deep-dive because–trust me–they are beautiful dogs.

The Aussie husky, also known as the Aussie Siberian, is known as a designer breed because of its beauty and character.

Unfortunately, many people are not prepared for the work this mixed breed takes and often surrender them to shelters.

The Australian husky is a very active dog. It requires a large amount of space and plenty of exercise time.

This mixed breed cannot be left alone for long periods of time, as it will become destructive and howl your neighbors into calling the police.

Read on to learn more about this stunning dog and see if you are fully prepared to have an Australian shepherd husky mix in your life.

Australian Shepherd Husky Mix

The Australian Shepherd Husky Mix: Main Characteristics

Lifespan: 12 to 15 years

Height: 18 to 25 inches

Weight: 40 to 60 pounds

Color: A combination of black, white, tan, brown, and cream

Positive Features: Affectionate, highly trainable, incredibly intelligent

Negative Features: Heavy shedding, needs a lot of exercise and a big garden, prone to howling

The Aussie Husky Parental Dog Breed History

To better understand the personality and care requirements of your Aussie Siberian, we need to first understand the parent breeds who contribute their DNA to this spunky mixed breed.

So, let’s dive a little deeper into the history of the Australian shepherd and the Siberian Husky.

The Australian Shepherd Breed History

Although ‘Australia’ is in this breed’s name, it does not actually originate from Down Under.

The Australian shepherd came into being when Pyrenees cattle ranchers (a people located in the Pyrenees Mountains between Spain and France) brought their Pyrenees herding dogs to Australia and bred them with working dogs other Europeans had brought to Australia with them in the 1800s.

When the cattle ranches moved to greener pastures in California, the Californian ranchers already there thought the dogs were an original Australian breed, and the ‘Australian’ part of the breed’s name stuck.

The Australian shepherd is an active dog with strong herding instincts and a need for a ‘pack.’

They cannot be left for extended periods physically and mentally unoccupied, as they become destructive.

Key Traits Ranking
Good with children ✔✔✔✔✔
Good with other dogs ✔✔✔
High prey/herding drive ✔✔✔✔
High energy ✔✔✔✔✔
Coat shedding ✔✔✔
Stimulation needed ✔✔✔✔✔
Barking/Howling level ✔✔✔

The Siberian Husky Breed History

The Siberian husky has a noble history that doesn’t quite line up with their silly antics.

This breed originated in northern Asia where the Chukchi people bred them originally as companion dogs, and then refined the breed to be the ideal sled dog.

These original sled dogs saved the Chukchi people’s lives in the harsh sub-zero temperatures as they had to move further and further out of their homelands because of the changing climate by acting as transport and helping carry loads over huge distances.

The Siberian husky is a wonderful companion who is very intelligent and loves spending time with its human and furry family.

Huskies need plenty of exercise and thrive in cooler climates. If they are left unstimulated for too long, they will become destructive and howl the day away.

Key Traits Ranking
Good with children ✔✔✔✔✔
Good with other dogs ✔✔✔✔✔
High prey/herding drive ✔✔✔
High energy ✔✔✔✔✔
Coat shedding ✔✔✔✔
Stimulation needed ✔✔✔✔✔
Barking/Howling level ✔✔✔✔✔

The Aussie Siberian Breed History

The Aussie Siberian is a perfect blend of both of its parent breeds. It is a fun-loving dog that is easy to train, the ideal partner to go on a hike, and the best bud to cuddle up with and watch a movie on a cold winter’s night.

There is a good chance that Siberian huskies and Australian shepherds were being bred together for the last hundred-odd years.

However, the mixed breed was intentionally bred when it became popular in the 1990s.

Key Traits Ranking
Good with children ✔✔✔✔✔
Good with other dogs ✔✔✔✔✔
High prey/herding drive ✔✔✔✔
High energy ✔✔✔✔✔
Coat shedding ✔✔✔✔
Stimulation needed ✔✔✔✔✔
Barking/Howling level ✔✔✔✔

What Does An Australian Shepherd Husky Mix Look Like?

The Australian shepherd and Siberian husky are considered medium-sized dogs.

This means the Aussie husky also tends to be a medium-sized dog, standing at 18 to 25 inches in height at the shoulders.

Females are slightly smaller than males and weigh between 40 and 55 pounds, while males are slightly heavier and weigh between 50 and 65 pounds.

Australian shepherds and Siberian huskies come in a range of colors. Therefore, the Aussie husky also comes in a variety of colors that are unpredictable.

They can be any combination of black, white, cream, brown, and tan.

Siberian huskies have brown or blue eyes, or sometimes one of each. Aussie huskies share this coloration quirk.

The Aussie husky has a triangular face which is shared by both parents.

The upright, sickle-shaped tail of the Siberian husky parent may or may not be present in the Aussie husky offspring; in a single litter, there may be some pups with it and some pups with a straight tail that hangs down like the Australian shepherd parent.

Caring For An Australian Shepherd Husky Mix

As I mentioned earlier, some people abandon their Aussie huskies because the dogs are too much effort.

It is important to understand what you are getting into with your dog breed before you go and pick one out.

Let’s take a closer look at what your Aussie Siberian may demand of you.

Personality And Temperament

“Hopelessly devoted to you…”

That is what Aussie husky owners say is the number one personality characteristic of their beloved dogs.

The Aussie husky is an active dog who craves your companionship. They need a pack structure which can include other pets and your family.

Keep in mind they do not do well with being alone or isolated. They can even become depressed and develop behavioral problems if they feel starved of familial attention.

Trainability And Socializing

The Aussie shepherd was bred to herd, and the Siberian husky was bred to mush. This means that both parent breeds were bred to work with other dogs.

If your Aussie husky is socialized from a young age, they will get along with other animals like a house on fire.

However, if their socialization is neglected, they can develop problems, as they have a strong protective streak and may lash out at other dogs and people they perceive as a threat.

Aussie huskies are also incredibly intelligent. They pick up training quickly and are able to follow a vast array of commands, both verbal and gestural.

However, Siberian huskies are known to be somewhat stubborn, and they passed this trait down to the Aussie husky.

When your Aussie husky is being stubborn, coax them with kindness because they are sensitive souls and do not do well with harsh punishment.

Grooming Needs

Australian shepherd husky mixes have a double coat like their husky parent. They also shed a lot like both of their parents.

Grooming your Aussie husky needs to be a daily task you factor into your schedule.

They do not need to be bathed very often as their skin produces oils to keep their coats as waterproof as possible.

However, when you do bathe them, ensure you rinse their undercoat very well to prevent the shampoo from drying and causing itchy dandruff.

Your Aussie husky needs to be brushed once a day. This will help maintain their coat and decrease the amount of shed hair you find all over your home.

Even if you brush them daily, you will still find shed hair all over your home, so be prepared to vacuum and lint-roll!

Using an undercoat rake and a slicker brush will help keep your Aussie husky maintained.

If their undercoat is allowed to mat, it will become compacted. This pulls on the skin, creates painful sores, and leads to hair loss.

Aussie huskies are also prone to tartar build-up. This means you need to brush their teeth every day to avoid your beloved pet developing periodontal disease.


Aussie Siberians need plenty of exercise. They are incredibly active and require one to two hours of dedicated exercise a day.

Their physical exercise should be broken up into two or three sessions to prevent them from suffering heat exhaustion.

Physical exercise can take the form of going to a dog park, going for walks, taking hikes, playing fetch, drilling training, or doing obstacle courses.

When exercising your Aussie husky, always bring water for them to drink, as they are prone to overheating.

Physical exercise isn’t enough; your Aussie husky, they need to be mentally exercised, too.

Sniffing activities are an excellent way to stimulate and tire your Aussie husky out. 15 minutes of dedicated sniffing time can equal an hour of physical activity.

Australian Husky Mix Health Concerns

Unfortunately, Aussie huskies share some of their purebred parent’s health concerns.

Yearly vet visits are essential to stay on top of your fur baby’s health. Prevention is always better than treatment.

Aussie huskies are prone to:

  • Blood disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Elbow dysplasia
  • Periodontal disease

Good nutrition and multivitamins can help your Aussie husky avoid certain health concerns.

FAQs About The Australian Shepherd Husky Mix

Can I get a miniature Aussie Siberian mix?

Yes, you can! Australian shepherds come in a miniature version. If a miniature Aussie Shepherd is bred with a husky or a miniature husky, then you would get a miniature Aussie Siberian.

Are Aussie Siberians good with children?

The Australian shepherd husky mix is an excellent candidate if you have teenage children. They are tolerant dogs and love to run and play with children.

However, they do have strong herding instincts, which means they should not be left unsupervised around young children.

Who is the most famous Sibberian husky?

In 1925, a musher (sled dog team owner) named Leonhard Seppala saved the day when he took his team of sled dogs on a 658-mile journey to Nome, Alaska to deliver a serum that would help cure a diphtheria outbreak.

This massive journey only took five and half days!

Seppala managed this journey because of his trusty lead dog, the Siberian husky named Balto.

There is a statue commemorating Balto’s achievement in Central Park in New York City.

What other Australian shepherd mixes are there?

There are many different cross breeds that have an Australian shepherd as a parent.

Some of the more well-known and popular ones are the Aussiedoodle, Australian shepherd and poodle mix) and the Aussiedor (Australian shepherd and Labrador mix).

Rolling Over On The Australian Shepherd Husky Mix…

The Australian shepherd Siberian husky mix is a stunning medium-sized dog who loves to be around its fur and human family.

The Aussie husky is energetic and needs plenty of exercise and space to stretch its legs.

This is not the breed for you if you spend long periods of time away from the home, as bored and neglected Australian huskies become destructive by chewing things and digging up garden beds.

They also howl and can even ‘scream’ loud enough for the neighbors to complain.

If you have the opportunity to spend a lot of time at home, can dedicate one to two hours a day to exercising them, and spend at least 15 to 20 minutes a day grooming them, then the Aussie husky may be the dog for you.

Finally, here’s a quick recap of the main characteristics of the Aussie Siberian:

  • Lifespan: 12 to 15 years
  • Height: 18 to 25 inches
  • Weight: 40 to 60 pounds
  • Color: A combination of black, white, tan, brown, and cream
  • Positive Features: Affectionate, highly trainable, incredibly intelligent
  • Negative Features: Heavy shedding, needs a lot of exercise and a big garden, prone to howling

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Australian Shepherd Husky Mix - What You Can Expect - Blue Merle Aussie Shepherd

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