B2B NewsPet industry newsDo you need dedicated HubSpot support

Do you need dedicated HubSpot support


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HubSpot is a powerful platform with a range of features, but it requires the expertise of trained professionals to fully leverage its power.

For most companies, this means one of two things: Either they hire in-house specialists or get outsourced HubSpot management.

While there are many upsides to keeping your HubSpot expertise in-house, there are several downsides. These include the costs associated with salary, benefits, and training, potentially limited expertise, time constraints, and susceptibility to staff turnover.

Outsourced solutions, on the other hand, will have more experience and broader knowledge of the platform, can scale resources as required, and have a more objective view of your company, allowing them to come up with fresh ideas and identify areas for improvement more easily.

Want to get the most out of HubSpot without an in-house team?

Then you need dedicated HubSpot support -that’s where Huble comes in.

Our team of certified experts has extensive hands-on experience with the platform and can provide you with both platform support and guidance.

Our dedicated HubSpot support services include:

With our help, you can take advantage of all the features available on the HubSpot platform, helping you maximise its use. Read on to see if our dedicated HubSpot support is right for you.

Do you need a HubSpot support SLA?

More and more, we’ve found that our clients need to know how quickly they’ll receive a response from us and how long it will take us to find a solution to their problems.

With our HubSpot support SLA, you get just that. A fixed response and resolution time for your tickets.

This SLA outlines our standard response and resolution times for support tickets raised across the three service levels mentioned above.

If you don’t need an SLA, we can still help you with solutions ranging from a dedicated HubSpot consultant to a set number of monthly support hours. 

Key benefits of our dedicated HubSpot support

Leverage our deep platform knowledge and experience

Need urgent assistance getting that landing page finished last minute or the kinks ironed out of your workflows?

We can assist with all types of administrative operations such as setting up sequences and playbooks, adjusting service desk requirements, and creating lists.

Our consultants have years of experience and deep knowledge of HubSpot and its capabilities and can support your team with all types of HubSpot tasks.

Get ongoing support and training

If you want to get the most out of HubSpot and see the greatest ROI you need support and training for your teams to get them up to speed with its ins and outs quickly and painlessly.

That’s why we offer HubSpot user support and training. Our support team is here to provide you with guidance on how to best get things done in HubSpot.

Your request will be reviewed by a HubSpot Solution Architect who will share a solution via video or by assigning a CX Consultant to provide advice, ensuring your teams have a complete understanding of how to tackle the problem going forward. 

Customise the platform to meet your needs

Every company has different needs when it comes to CRM, meaning you’ll likely need someone familiar with adapting HubSpot to your specific needs if you’re using the platform.

Our HubSpot Solutions Architects are available to make adaptations to data schemas and other configurations, as well as for consulting and the maintenance of your HubSpot environment’s documentation.

This helps ensure that you get the most out of the platform even if you don’t have the in-house resources to customise the platform as needed.

Always-on international HubSpot support

If you’re looking for 24/7 international HubSpot support, look no further than Huble.

Our certified HubSpot experts are available round-the-clock to ensure everything runs smoothly on your end.

Our HubSpot support is available across all time zones and locations, allowing for improved productivity and customer experience with reduced downtimes.

Get the security and peace of mind that comes with an international HubSpot support team that is always ready to address any technical difficulties, train you on the latest features, or answer general questions about the platform.

Let Huble handle the tech stuff so you can get back to doing what you love: running your company. Learn more about our 24/7 HubSpot managed services and get a personalised cost breakdown today.

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