B2B NewsPet industry newsWhat is HubSpot CMS Hub Free?

What is HubSpot CMS Hub Free?


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HubSpot just launched HubSpot CMS Hub Free, an entry-level version of their content management system (CMS) and website page builder. 

HubSpot CMS Hub Free is aimed at start-up businesses who want to explore how incorporating their website into HubSpot’s CRM platform can help them grow their business.

Core features of HubSpot CMS Hub Free

The free version offers many of the core values and features associated with paid versions of the HubSpot CMS, including:

  • Out-of-the-box premium hosting that provides a fast, secure, reliable platform.
  • The option to build a website efficiently from scratch, using a drag-and-drop editor, and an extensive selection of website themes.
  • A full stack of free tools to help build your website (forms, live chat, landing pages, blog, kickback emails) and an all-in-one CRM platform.

In addition, businesses can host website pages, blog posts, and landing pages on a custom domain, helping them to build their brand and drive awareness.

Build a B2B website that attracts, engages and converts visitors - read our  complete guide here.

HubSpot CMS Hub Free does have some limitations when compared to paid plans, like HubSpot CMS Starter Hub. These include:

  • Being limited to 25 website pages
  • A maximum of one blog with 100 posts
  • No personalisation tokens, or the ability to display CRM data inside pages
  • No access to the URL redirects tool
  • Inability to modify system pages e.g. 404 pages.

In addition, HubSpot branding appears on website pages, blog posts, and landing pages.

HubSpot CMS Hub Free is made for start-ups

While there are limitations, the features of HubSpot CMS Hub Free allow businesses to get off the ground. New businesses can quickly and easily build a website to grow their online presence and start generating leads, without needing to worry about technical setup and maintenance issues.

Businesses can also take advantage of the full HubSpot CRM platform, introducing a fully integrated solution, while still providing access to a curated app marketplace. Robust and easy reporting means every interaction is tracked, helping to improve the experience over time.

Plus, it’s free. It can be used to build a website that grows with a business, with no upfront costs. Upgrading for more powerful tools and support as a business scales is simple and easy.

Built for B2B Demand Generation 

We’ve championed the HubSpot CMS as the perfect choice for B2B demand generation, since its launch. The unique features built into HubSpot optimise it for B2B traffic, lead, and demand generation. HubSpot CMS Hub Free gives start-up businesses the opportunity to build their first website on a secure, reliable platform with no upfront costs. Businesses can also take advantage of HubSpot’s CRM platform to start driving demand. 

Other open-source applications, such as WordPress, require businesses to install or configure their server using a third-party hosting provider and use plugins for additional functionality. By contrast, HubSpot CMS Hub Free offers a level of simplicity and scalability for start-ups that can’t currently be rivaled by other providers.

B2B website design

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