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Pet Registration with Municipal corporation in India | Importance & Steps procedure to follow


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All pet owners in the nation are now required to register their pets with the local municipal authorities. This is a significant advance in making our communities pet-friendly. Registration of pets has many benefits from helping pet owners to obtain a legitimate identity for their pets to maintaining data to track information area-wise.

What is Pet Registration?

It is compulsory for pet dog owners to have a license. By filling out a simple form you can register your pet in a local body. It gives you a certification for your pet with all the relevant details.

Why pet registration is important?

By registering your pet in your city, you can avoid punishment if your dog bites someone by producing the pet’s registration certificate as proof that you are the owner. A registered certificate can be helpful in locating a pet that is perhaps missing, and it is also important in case your pet’s ownership is ever in doubt.

You may sometimes encounter instances where pet owners have to prove their pet ownership. During such scenarios, one of the best and most reliable ways is to opt for pet registration. It is not only valid as personal proof but pet owners prove the ownership of their pet through photographs or videos sometimes. In some scenarios, people give verbal assurance for the ownership of the pet. Yet the most effective method proofs the ownership of your pet is by ‘Registering your pet’.

If you ever want to enter your dog in dog shows, it is crucial to have your dog registered with the appropriate paperwork. If not, we won’t accept your dog. That is not to suggest that you do not need to register your dog if you do not intend to enter it in dog shows.

It’s not just a mere document it is legal proof of the ownership of your pet. And that is why the government has made it compulsory for pet owners to register their respective pets. Therefore, register your dog to provide security and assistance for your furry child. Additionally, as the government of India uses registration fees for animal welfare, you should register your dog there as well.

How to register your dog with municipal in India?

Registration of pets varies from city to city. There are just two regulations. You can register your dog in one of two ways: either with the KCI (Kennel Club of India) or with the neighborhood government. If you purchased your dog from a breeder, the KCI certificate with a microchip would also have been given to you. This will include a Transfer of Ownership document that needs to be completed by the breeder in order for ownership to be transferred to you. This form can be used to register your new puppy with the local KCI.

If the breeder does not provide you with a certificate, you might have to wait a year before registering your dog with the KCI. You must provide the required paperwork and postcard-sized photos of your dog to complete this process.

After the registration with the KCI is finished, you will need to follow a similar procedure with your neighborhood municipality. Depending on the city you and your dog reside in, the procedure differs. You should go to the neighborhood office and complete the proper steps there.

Here are some guidelines for pet registration in several cities:

Make sure to read all the important guidelines before proceeding to fill out the pet registration form. Every city and its municipal body has its own rules and regulation. It is crucial to fill out all the mandatory data and abide by the terms and conditions mentioned.  

Pet Registration in Delhi – According to Section 399 of the Delhi Municipal Corporation Act, all dog owners are required to register their animals. The dog registration involves an Rs. 500 annual registration fee, proof of immunization, a photo, proof of address, and information about the breed.

Pet Registration in Gurugram– Pet registration is permitted by the Municipal Corporation of Gurugram (MCG), although it is not required. All you have to do to register your dogs is pay a set annual fee of 500 and include all required medical and neutering certificates with them.

Pet Registration in Mumbai – Every pet owner is required to obtain a license for their dog under the terms of Section 14, Rule Number 22(a), Sub-Clause 386 of the Maharashtra Municipal Provincial Act. An address verification document, a photo, the most recent immunization records, the owner’s contact information, the name of the veterinarian, and clinic information are all requirements for pet owners. For initial registration, a price of Rs 75 will be assessed, and subsequent renewal fees will be Rs 50/-

Pet Registration in Pune – For a price of Rs. 500, the municipality of Pune accepts early registration for ten years. Three passport-sized photos, rabies certificates, and documentation of the pet owners’ addresses must be provided by the pet owners. The dog must also renew its registration every year.

Pet Registration in Dehradun – Owners must complete a form available at the DMC office and submit it along with proof of rabies vaccinations in order to register a pet. For keeping a pet at home, a cost of Rs 200 will be assessed each year.

Pet Registration in Lucknow – If you live in Lucknow and have a pet, you must pay annual fees to register your dog. Dog registration is possible through the Lucknow Municipal Corporation (LMC).

Pet Registration in Chennai – A dog license can be obtained from the Greater Chennai Corporation for Rs. 50. This includes free vaccinations provided by the city’s corporate clinics. The dog owner just needs to provide the dog’s name, color, breed, and age, as well as the owner’s contact information.

Registration Procedure in India:

Follow the guidelines set forth by the municipal corporation (MC) of your city to register your dog in India:

Step 1: Submission of documents

  • You need to submit documents as required by your MC. Mostly they need documents like
  • A duly filled application form for registration (either online or offline)
  • An undertaking by you, accepting to adhere to the bylaws
  • The registration charges (as per the state rules)
  • A vaccination certificate from a registered veterinary practitioner
  • Two passport-size photographs of your dog
  • Your address and identity proof

Step 2: Issuing the registration certificate and the metal identity badge

  • After submitting the documents, your licensing procedure from your end is complete. The MC will verify the documents and issue you the registration certificate of your dog, along with the license number. They will also provide a metal identity badge for your dog containing the name and license number.

Step 3: Collect the registration certificate and metal badge from the MC

  • The final step of getting your dog registered is to collect the dog license and metal badge from MC. The time of getting them from MC can vary from city to city. After you acquire it, fix the metal badge on the collar of your dog for verification.

Few Benefits of Dog Registration in India

Staying out of Trouble as an Owner

Being the owner of a registered dog, you can avoid penalties in the event of a dog bite by producing the registration certificate. The certificate serves as proof that your dog has received his or her vaccinations. You can persuade the victim that an anti-rabies injection is unnecessary.

Locating Your Pet

The dog tags will be useful if you lost your pet child as a result of unfortunate events. Anyone may locate you and your pet baby by looking up the license number on them.

Proof of Ownership

A registration certificate gives you the ability to demonstrate your ownership in the event of a dispute.

Dog Breeding

If you intend to breed dogs for financial gain, your dog must be registered and have the necessary paperwork. It is forbidden to breed canines that are not registered.

Participate in Dog Shows

Most of the dog shows organized in India require a registered dog to participate. You cannot sign up for dog shows without proof of dog registration and documentation.

How can Petofy help you?

Petofy is an all-in-one solution platform for all pet parents. We understand the absolute need for pet registration. To register your pet, you need to fulfill all the requirements of important documents and terms & conditions. If at any steps you feel confused about how to enroll your pet for registration you can contact us through the mail and we’ll help you to guide on the completion of your form.

Note: While filling out any form if you find any confusion feel free to contact us at +91-6399-638-639 & [email protected]

Sometimes due to the enormous amount of information available on the web pet parents get confused about which step or protocol to follow. We are here to simplify your doubts. We closely keep an eye on the new rules and changes the government and municipal bodies keep making in India.

Our objective is to be a quality service platform for all pet enthusiasts. Prime care for our innocent beings! To ensure and maintain the highest standards for quality, consistency, sustainability, value-added support service, and integrity in our business and personal relationship.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. Is pet registration compulsory in India?

 Yes, Pet registration has been made mandatory by the government to ensure a better way of pet ownership by pet parents.

Q. How much is a dog license in India?

Pet owners will pay a yearly cost of Rs 500 with each registration, and those who do not register their pets will be subject to a penalty. By the first of March 2023, pet owners must also have their animal rabies vaccinated and sterilized. The penalty for postponing immunization or sterilization is Rs 2,000/month.

Q. Do you need permission to keep a dog?

You require authorization to have a pet if you are a renter or resident. Normally, only two animals may be requested with authorization.

Q. Do cats need licenses in India?

According to the law, residents are required to register their domesticated dogs, cats, or horses with the local government.

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