B2B NewsPet industry newsGetting to Know Generation Alpha

Getting to Know Generation Alpha


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Getting to Know Generation Alpha

Just as you thought you were getting the hang of Gen-Z, here comes the next wave of consumers that are even more intimidating. Everyone, please welcome Gen-A, also known as Generation Alpha. 

Gen-A is the group born between 2010 and 2024. They are the children of Generation Y (millennials) and often the younger siblings of Generation Z. Gen-A is predicted to be the largest generation in history, with 2.5 million individuals being born every single week. Yes. Every. Single. Week.  

Understanding what really gets this generation going and how to get their interest is no easy task. GWI recently released their Gen-A report, and some of the following key takeaways are not only surprising, but also something to consider as your brand tacklesyour online approach in 2023. 

Gen-A is utilizing streaming services more than ever

We have to keep in mind that this generation already grew up with technology, well before the pandemic. When the pandemic hit and we were required to quarantine indoors, kids ultimately had limited access to outdoor play and increased their digital consumption. 

Watching TV and movies is among the top sources of entertainment for Gen-A. 59% reported it as their most popular activity on the weekend. With the boom of streaming apps among this generation, it’s no surprise that they have a huge influence on the number of paid subscriptions in a household. Nearly half of Disney+ users alone are between 2 and 17 years old for example. 

They are seeing the world through TikTok

TikTok usage

Credit: GETTY

TikTok has been amongst one of the top social media platforms for a while now. It’s become the app that 13-15 year olds are naming as their favorite in 2022.

Gen-A is drawn to trendy audios and content that inspires them. When you put together a good quality audio and a short-form video on an app that quite literally perfected its algorithm, it makes it a peak platform for young users to spend endless hours throughout the day. 

Brands that are already working on their TikTok strategies for 2023 should keep in mind and test audios in their own video content if Gen-A is a demographic that they want to attract. 

TikTok was named the favorite app of users 13-15 years old in 2022. Click To Tweet

Win Gen-A with funny

Funny emoji

Who doesn’t love content that can make them laugh? 

Almost 50% of 12-15 year olds go online to watch content that they think is funny or to look at memes. Compared to their Gen-Z and Gen-Y counterparts that still use social media as a source for news, it’s likely that Gen-A will utilize social media more as a space for self-expression and humor.

Don’t be afraid to try out memes and toss in a bit of funny content for the upcoming year. Not only will it reflect well with Gen-A, but the parents of this generation will be more likely to allow their kids to continue consuming a brand’s content if it makes them happy. 

Almost 50% of 12-15 year olds go online to watch content that they think is funny or to look at memes. Click To Tweet

Kid + Influencer = Kidfluencer


Credit: New York Times

More so than ever, kids are consuming online content extremely early in their lives. Brands that want to create lifelong connections with Gen-A need to begin now. What better way to understand how to connect with kids than kidfluencers themselves? 

Teens are more likely to watch vlogs and influencer videos on a daily basis compared to older generations. Kidfluencers that are highly successful online have such devoted fan bases because of how authentic and raw their content really is. For example, unboxing videos are simply uncut videos of children opening their latest toys and video game streams are a perfect blend of commentary, entertainment and social interaction amongst viewers. It sounds so simple, and it’s what Gen-A likes. 

Brands need to prioritize more on making content that resonates normalcy and simplicity in order to speak to Gen-A. Try sending out products for reviewers to test, try out the latest social media challenge, or even highlight a fun day at the office. 


If you aren’t already convinced by the potential of Gen-A in the upcoming years, think about the type of content and products that younger children you know use and like. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? This generation is more likely to mimic the kinds of things they consume as they get older by watching their millennial parents or Gen-Z siblings. 

With this close knit relationship between these three generations, brands should keep tabs on what is clicking with Gen-A in order to be prepared for marketing efforts in 2023.


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