B2B NewsPet industry newsAdopt-a-Pet.com Blog What’s New at Adopt-a-Pet.com in October 2022

Adopt-a-Pet.com Blog What’s New at Adopt-a-Pet.com in October 2022


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Questions? First, try our Help Library. Then if you still need help, email [email protected]. We’ll reply within 1 business day. Thank you!


Tool to Try: Canva

If you haven’t tried Canva yet, we think you’ll be impressed by this easy-to-use online graphic design tool. Canva is free for all users, and if you are a registered nonprofit, even their “premium” version with all its additional amazing templates, stock photos and artwork is completely free. This tool is just one of the helpful tips we have for you in the Adopt a Pet Help Library.


Last chance to participate!

The 2022 National Shelter Survey closes early October 14th! Your participation helps identify important trends in animal welfare organizations and the resources you provide to animals in your care and your community. These help guide us and the ASPCA to better support your organization and others, too. This survey should only take 15 minutes. Thank you in advance for completing this important survey!

Take the survey here


From our friends at The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement

Let the Good Times Roll in New Orleans!

Build your skills with hundreds of animal welfare professionals. Join us for training, networking, fun, and lots of jazz.
Learn More


A message from our friends at Zoetis

Howl-oween Safety Tips

We all enjoy a good scare from imaginary threats on Halloween. But the fear that true dangers present are altogether frightening. This spooky season, make sure your pet parents know how to make the most haunted of holidays fun and safe for their furry companions.
Info for Adopters


A message from our friends at PEDIGREE®

If You Like Helping Dogs Find Homes, You’ll Love Our Loyalty Program

Nearly 3.1 million dogs end up in shelters every year. So we created the PEDIGREE® One True Loyalty Program. How it works is simple: if a customer spends $25 on Pedigree food or treats, we’ll pay for their dog’s adoption. They get a dog and all their loyalty, the dog gets a much needed home, and you’re able to place another dog in need. It’s another small step in Pedigree’s long standing effort to help end dog homelessness.

*Purchase $25+ of PEDIGREE® products, adoption fees up to $200, 50 U.S. and DC only, valid 5/1/22 to 12/31/22 for Dollar General customers or 7/1/22 to 10/31/22 for customers of other retailers.

Learn more


A message from our friends at Wisdom

Goodbye Sneezing, Hello Kitty Snuggles

Having pet allergies doesn’t have to keep people from getting a cat. While no cat is 100% hypoallergenic, there are some breeds that might be better suited to allergy sufferers.
Learn more


A message from our friends at Whistle

Senior Dogs Require Special Care

As dogs transition into their golden years, their care needs will begin to change. They’ll likely start to experience common senior health issues like joint pain, slower metabolism, and changes in appetite. Whistle smart devices translate millions of data points about a dog’s daily behavior into in-depth health and activity insights. See how Cinnamon’s mom, Leona, started using Whistle to better understand how she’s doing—and how to help her stay as healthy and happy as possible.
Watch here


And, of course… We thank the wonderful, pet-loving people at The Wildest and Elanco Animal Health for supporting all of us in our mission and making Adopt a Pet a free service!

See past issues of What’s New in the archives.
Scammers try to get your password: Read security tips
Free Download: The Puppy Manual
Free Download: If You Find Baby Kittens

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