B2B NewsPet industry news7 Ways You Can Make Your Home Safe For...

7 Ways You Can Make Your Home Safe For Your Furry Friends – P.L.A.Y.


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By Mahima Rawat on Dec 8, 2022

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Our homes don’t just belong to us, they belong to our animal companions too – especially of the four-legged variety. With the number of pet owners rising, it is important to consider a probable future with a pet in your home and design your home accordingly.

Here are some ways you can make your home friendly for your furry buddy:

1. Choosing Appropriate Flooring

Choosing the right flooring can make all the difference for your pet. You can opt to buy tiles for your space that are glossy or matt finished.  Glossy tiles are easier to clean, while matt finish tiles increase traction and reduce the chances of slipping. You can also opt for other durable and easy to clean flooring options such as luxury vinyl, cement or stone flooring. If you wish to add a carpet, make sure the colour is similar to your pet’s fur so that shedding is less noticeable. Carpets are also provide a cushioned surface for your pet to sleep or walk on and reduce the noise generated by footfalls.

2. Upholstery That Stays Fur Free

Another thing to keep in mind while designing your home is the upholstery you choose for your furniture. It is best to avoid fabrics such as velvet or corduroy since they are fur magnets and it will get very difficult for you to clean them. Also, avoid using delicate materials like silk, since your pet’s claws can and will damage them. Rather, you can opt for synthetic fibers and leathers. These have a double advantage – they won’t attract fur and will remain undamaged from their claws!

3. Custom Space For Their Food Bowls

More often than not when we visit pet homes we see food bowls lying on the floor or in some corner of the room. While designing your home keep the aesthetic in mind and create a dedicated space for their food bowls. It could be slots at the base of your side table to hold their bowls in place or a retractable drawer that can help keep the mess contained in a single space.

4. Create A Dedicated Space For Your Pet

This space can be anywhere – at the entrance of your home, or in the foyer area. Add storage space here to store everything like pet safe toys, snacks, and litter. If space permits, add a small jet spray and basin to clean your pets once they come back from their walks. Do not forget to use good quality tick control products in this area to keep your home tick free.

5. Neat And Clean Kitchens

Creating a pet friendly space requires that you keep your space as clean as possible. This is not just for the safety of your furry friends, but it is also so that your home doesn’t look unsightly with their food bowls just lying around. As mentioned earlier, try creating a corner or a space that is devoted to your pet’s feeding bowls to avoid unpleasant messes.

6. A Station To Wash Your Pet

While you can definitely bathe your pet in your bathroom, your back would thank you if you would install an elevated area with a basin and jet spray where you can give them a bath without constantly bending over. Add some storage below it to store their wash or shampoo. It is best to use tiles in this area, since they are easy to clean and have minimal porosity.

7. Add A Door Between Your Entryway And Your Living Room

Walks are inevitable with our furry friends (especially dogs). Getting caked in mud is inevitable too. But, having your living room furniture covered in mud can be avoided by adding a simple door that will prevent your pet from running into the living space while messy. As mentioned before, create a dedicated space for your pooch in the entryway or foyer area where you can clean them up before letting them in. If adding a wash area is not feasible, store ample pet wipes and treats in the area to at least cleanse your pet before you can take them to the bathroom to wash the mud off.

Pets are not just animals we bring into our homes to provide us with emotional support or company; they are an integral part of our families. And as with any other family member, they deserve to have their needs fulfilled too. Creating a space that is not just safe for them, but also takes their needs into consideration can help make your home feel like their home too! After all, they are in our lives for a short span of time, but we are a major component of their lives.

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