Uncategorized6 B2B ecommerce trends for 2023

6 B2B ecommerce trends for 2023


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Are you wondering what key strategies your B2B organisation should focus on for 2023? If you sell online and want to accelerate growth in 2023 take a look at our summary of B2B ecommerce trends. These trends have been growing rapidly since the covid pandemic accelerated digital technology uptake and new ways of working. They show no signs of slowing down and savvy B2B organisations need to take note and make sure they’re on the right course for success.

1. Integrated ecommerce

If you’re still using a legacy system to manage your B2B ecommerce transactions it’s time to upgrade to a modern, integrated ecommerce solution. Don’t be tempted to simply upgrade one tool at a time – it would make it very hard to present a smooth functioning experience for your customers. A dedicated ecommerce platform is the only way to go if you want to offer fast service and match today’s customer experience expectations. You’ll also save time – real-time pricing and stock display, accounting software integration and more efficient order processing means less manual data entry and customer support.

2. Personalisation

The level of customer personalisation offered in the B2C world has set the bar high, but B2B companies are rapidly catching up. This means going beyond basic audience segmentation and using AI to predict customer needs and match customer interests. By tracking individual customer browsing habits and social media engagement you can better predict what will interest buyers.

If your ecommerce platform is integrated with existing business and accounting systems (such as Sage and Pegasus), it can deliver a highly personal service that features capabilities such as tailored pricing and discounts, individual promotions and offers, and a detailed order history.    

3. Omnichannel experiences

Sales reps are no longer the main channel to customers, they are one of many channels a customer may use to seek the information they need to get a job done. This means in-person and digital channels must be aligned to support customers in the way they actually buy. If someone engages with you via your website before contacting a sales rep, you need to know about it in order to offer a smooth buying experience.

4. Social commerce

As part of the omnichannel trend, social commerce is a growth area. According to Gartner, as much as 46% of B2B buyers turn to social media at the very beginning of their buying journeys. So if you don’t have a B2B social media strategy it’s definitely an area to focus on for 2023. Research which social media platforms your customers are already using and explore what your competitors are doing on social media. You can set up stores directly on Facebook and Instagram so people can browse your products on the platforms they are already using.

5. Self-service

Self-service has been an on-going trend for a while and it’s definitely set to continue in 2023. Customers need to be able to research their product options and make a purchase without needing to interact with one of your sales team. Make sure it’s easy for customers to browse pricing information, product specs and customer use cases, as well as make a purchase and schedule an appointment.

6. Mobile optimisation

The covid pandemic pushed buying online and onto mobile devices, and B2B buyers were not left behind. According to McKinsey & Company B2B mobile ordering has increased 250% over the past two years.

If you’re a serious B2B ecommerce seller, optimising your B2B ecommerce platform for mobile is essential. A fully optimised mobile-friendly website means that your prospects and buyers can make purchases as efficiently as possible.

For help with transforming your B2B ecommerce platform, get in touch. You could also save up to £5,000 with Help to Grow Digital. The scheme is finishing so you must apply before the end of January.

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