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Make the Most of OroCommerce with Business Training for EMEA Audiences


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Who Should Take This Training?

EMEA OroCommerce Business Training is designed for different roles like:

  • Marketing managers who oversee the company’s marketing communications, content management, and user engagement initiatives.
  • Sales managers who manage product listings, pricing, and the ordering process. 
  • Project managers responsible for implementing features for customers.
  • Business analysts and operational managers focused on data analytics and business performance.
  • Digital commerce managers responsible for managing the overall user and customer experience.

What Are the Prerequisites?

To attend the session, you must install a virtual machine with the Oro application demo. You can install either:

What Will You Learn?

You will get an in-depth understanding of the OroCommerce back office and storefront. You’ll learn how to set up, configure, and use OroCommerce effectively in your work.

One of the main benefits of attending is that you’ll become familiar with all of OroCommerce’s out-of-the-box functionality. This means you’ll learn how to use its features, adjust and configure some of them, and apply best practices to optimize your workflow.

Here’s what’s included:

Records in Oro

  • People and Businesses. We’ll introduce you to organizations and business units in Oro and how they interact with each other. We’ll also talk about the different participants in Oro and what their roles are.
  • Transactions. We’ll talk about ordering, checkout, and payment transactions in Oro. You’ll learn how these processes work and how you can apply them to your business.
  • Products. We’ll explain how products are organized and managed in Oro, which will enable you to create and manage product catalogs.

System configuration

We’ll explore OroCommerce’s architecture and main website elements for a deeper look into how they work together to support the platform’s functionality. 

Preparing to go live


Learn about OroCommerce’s master catalog capabilities, including product attributes, localization, and customization options. We’ll also talk about product permissions, visibility, and search options.


Manage customer entities such as groups, users, user roles, and more. Learn to configure customer hierarchies, manage relationships, and assign customer groups to price lists and payment terms.


Explore complex pricing structures and working with price lists, attributes, and rules. Discover different promotion strategies and learn to manage coupons, taxes, and inventories.

Shipping and payments

Understand built-in payment methods, manage configurations and transactions, customize checkout behavior, and set up payment and shipping rules.


Apply different tax rules, rates, or exemptions. Learn to work with different business entities and customer groups to meet tax requirements.

Web Catalog / Master Catalog

Learn how to effectively import and organize the products you sell by configuring their categories, visibility, and accessibility options.


Customize standard themes and layouts of the storefront. Explore the content manager, directory structure, asset management tools, and more.

Practical components

Leverage Oro’s robust workflow capabilities to automate various back-office functions like quote management, approval, and checkout functions.

Miscellaneous features

We’ll discuss how you can manage your leads and marketing communications with OroCRM, Oro’s CRM solution, including its templates, notifications, and other features.

Business case analysis, Q&A

We’ll finish off with an example of a business case and a question-and-answer period.

Who Is the Trainer?

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