B2B NewsPet industry news11 Secrets to Make Your Corgi Come When Called

11 Secrets to Make Your Corgi Come When Called


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Corgis are known for their adorable looks and playful personalities, but they can also be quite stubborn when it comes to training. One of the most important skills to teach your corgi is to come when called, not only for their safety but also for your peace of mind. However, getting your corgi to reliably come when called takes time, patience, and consistent training.

In this article, we’ll share some tips and tricks on how to train your corgi to come when called and ensure that your furry friend is always by your side when you need them.

Note: For a complete training, we highly recommend this SpiritDog Online Training Course “Coming When Called”.

1. Start with a Strong Foundation

Before you begin training your corgi to come when called, it’s crucial to establish a strong bond with your pet. Spend time playing with your dog, engaging in activities they enjoy, and providing positive reinforcement through praise and treats. Building trust and a strong connection with your corgi will make them more likely to respond positively to your commands.

2. Choose a Distinct Command Word

Select a specific word or phrase for the recall command, such as “come” or “here.” Ensure that the command is distinct from other commands you use and that all family members use the same word consistently. Consistency is critical to avoid confusing your corgi and ensuring that they understand what you expect from them.

3. Begin Training Your Corgi in a Controlled Environment

Start training your corgi to come when called in a controlled, distraction-free environment like your home or a fenced yard. In the early stages of training, it’s essential to minimize distractions to help your dog focus on learning the new command. As your dog becomes more reliable in responding to the recall command, gradually introduce distractions and practice in various environments.

4. Use Positive Reinforcement with Your Corgi

When training your corgi to come when called, always use positive reinforcement techniques. Reward your pup with praise, treats, or playtime when they respond to your recall command. This will help create a positive association with the command and motivate your dog to respond consistently. Remember to be patient and consistent in your training, as it may take time for your dog to master the recall command.

If you’re using treats, these are currently the most popular training treats on Amazon.

5. Gradually Increase Distance and Distractions

As your corgi becomes more reliable in responding to the recall command in a controlled environment, begin to increase the distance between you and your dog during training sessions. Practice calling your dog from various distances and gradually introduce distractions, such as other dogs, people, or toys. This will help your dog learn to respond to the command even in challenging situations.

Related: Looking for the fastest way to train your corgi to come when called? Try this video course.


6. Make Yourself Interesting and Rewarding to Your Corgi

To encourage your corgi to come when called, make yourself more appealing and rewarding to your dog. Use an enthusiastic, high-pitched voice when calling your dog, and reward them with a treat or praise when they respond. You can also try running away from your dog when calling them, as this can entice your dog to chase after you and respond to the recall command.

7. Never Punish Your Corgi for Coming When Called

It’s essential to avoid punishing your corgi if they do not immediately respond to the recall command or if they come to you slowly. Punishing your dog can create a negative association with the command and make them less likely to respond in the future. Instead, be patient and continue to practice and reinforce the command using positive reinforcement techniques.

8. Practice the Recall Command Regularly with Your Corgi

Consistent practice is crucial for training your corgi to come when called. Incorporate recall training into your dog’s daily routine, and practice the command in various environments and situations. This will help reinforce the behavior and make it more reliable over time.

9. Use a Long Training Leash on Your Corgi

When transitioning from a controlled environment to a more open space, consider using a long training leash to maintain control over your corgi while they learn to respond to the recall command. This will help you avoid losing control of your dog and provide a safety measure as you gradually increase the distance and distractions during training sessions.

This is the most popular long training leash on Amazon. 

10. Be Patient and Persistent with Your Corgi

Training your corgi to come when called takes time, patience, and persistence. Some dogs may learn the command quickly, while others may require more time and consistent practice. Be patient with your dog and maintain a positive attitude during training sessions. Remember that every dog is unique, and the key to success is consistent practice and positive reinforcement.

11. Use a Professional Online Corgi Training Course

While this article provides many helpful tips for training your corgi, you can increase your chances of success by enlisting the help of a professional online dog trainer. We love the SpiritDog online courses, since its includes unlimited questions with a real dog trainer.

You can check out their Teach Your Corgi to Come Online Course Here

In conclusion, teaching your corgi to come when called is an essential part of their training and will provide you with peace of mind knowing they will return to your side in any situation. With consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement, you can train your corgi to reliably respond to their name and come when called. Remember to always make training sessions fun, use treats and praise as rewards, and never punish your corgi for not responding immediately. By following these tips and putting in the effort, you can have a well-trained corgi who will always come when called and be a loyal companion for years to come.


More Frequently Asked Questions For Training Your Corgi

Training your corgi can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging. As you work with your furry friend, you may have some questions about the best techniques to use and how to address common issues that arise during training. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to training your corgi.

1. How can I stop my corgi from barking excessively?

Corgis are known for their vocal personalities and may bark excessively if not properly trained. The first step in stopping excessive barking is to identify the cause. Corgis may bark out of boredom, anxiety, or to alert you of a potential threat. Once you have identified the cause, you can begin to address it.

If your corgi is barking out of boredom, provide them with plenty of toys and activities to keep them occupied. A tired corgi is less likely to bark excessively. If your corgi is barking due to anxiety, you may need to work with a professional trainer to help them overcome their fears.

When your corgi begins to bark excessively, avoid yelling or punishing them. This can cause further anxiety and may exacerbate the problem. Instead, try to redirect their attention with a command or distraction. For example, you could call them to you or provide them with a toy to play with. Over time, your corgi will learn that excessive barking is not the desired behavior.

2. How can I stop my corgi from jumping on people?

Corgis are social animals and may become overexcited when greeting people, leading to jumping behavior. While it may be cute when they are small puppies, jumping can become a problem as they get older and larger.

To stop jumping behavior, it’s essential to be consistent with your training. When your corgi begins to jump, turn away from them and avoid giving them attention until all four paws are on the ground. You can also use a command like “off” or “down” to reinforce the behavior you want.

Another way to address jumping behavior is to train your corgi to sit and stay when greeting people. This can help them to stay calm and focused and prevent jumping behavior. Always remember to reward your corgi for good behavior with treats and praise.

3. How can I teach my corgi to walk on a leash?

Walking on a leash is an important skill for any dog, and corgis are no exception. When training your corgi to walk on a leash, start by introducing them to the collar or harness and leash. Allow them to sniff and become comfortable with the new gear before attempting to walk with them.

Next, begin by walking in a quiet, low-distraction environment like your backyard or a quiet park. Use treats and positive reinforcement to encourage your corgi to walk beside you without pulling or dragging. If your corgi begins to pull, stop walking and wait for them to return to your side before continuing.

As your corgi becomes more comfortable with walking on a leash, you can begin to increase the level of distraction. Take them to busier areas like a park or a street with more people and animals. Remember to always use positive reinforcement and avoid punishing or yelling at your corgi.

It’s also important to make sure that the collar or harness and leash fit properly. A poorly fitting leash can cause discomfort or injury and may make your corgi resistant to walking on a leash.

4. What’s the best online course for teaching a corgi to come when called? At iHeartDogs, we recommend the SpiritDog online course “Coming When Called.” The course includes unlimited questions with a real dog trainer.


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