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Creating Compelling Social Content in the Finance Industry


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Kristina Thomas goes Behind the Post to share her strategy for creating compelling social content in the finance industry.

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Episode Summary

In this episode of Behind the Post, Olivia Messina sits down with Kristina Thomas, Head of Social Media at S&P Global. Kristina leads an award-winning global team and reveals the delicacies and challenges of managing a social strategy in the finance industry.

She shares her secret to creating engaging content, which looks like sharing content that your audience is interested in while sparking conversations. For S&P Global, this is charts and graphs while focusing on the people. Kristina chats about how she educates the wider team on social selling and the importance of executives building their personal brands.

Kristina talks about how she stays timely to ensure she’s posting the right content at the right time and how she utilizes social listening to monitor conversations that could be at risk!

They even dive into the many challenges that a merger can have on a social strategy, like combing social media pages, products sunsetting, and paying attention to the market while still hitting their goal of brand awareness.

Stay until the end to learn why she measures year-over-year and month-over-month improvements and website traffic and why when reporting social media data to stakeholders, less is more!

Hot Topics:

  • Managing a global social strategy at a massive organization
  • How to make the content in the financial industry more personal
  • The impact a merger has on a social strategy and how to navigate it

Meet Kristina

Kristina Thomas is the Head of Social Media at S&P Global. S&P Global is a leading provider of transparent and independent ratings, benchmarks, analytics and data to the capital and commodity markets worldwide. Kristina sat as the head of social for S&P Global Market Intelligence, a division of S&P Global for 4 years before being promoted to head of the enterprise in June of 2022. She now manages a global team with members in North America, Europe, and Asia. Kristina works remotely at her home in Memphis, Tennessee where she lives with her husband and 2 daughters.

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